Our Sunday Service begins at 10.45 am
Worship is in the main building during the summer.
Sunday Services are led by a regular group of ministers and lay preachers who visit and share their thoughts with us.
Holy Communion has been facilitated by the use of individual cups containing the bread and wine.
Service information is posted on our Facebook page @OldIndependent, where we also continue to live stream worship each Sunday morning. Feel free to check it out.
Facilities: A Hearing Loop system is in operation in the Main Church Building.
Free Wi-Fi is now available in both buildings.
A new sound system has now been installed in our Church Hall.
Both buildings have toilets with Baby Change Station available and an Accessible Toilet.
Normally Sunday Services alternate between the main Church Building from Easter onwards, and the Church Hall after Harvest and during the winter months. The Church Hall is behind the main Church Building in Meeting’s Walk.
Please see News & Events or Regular Activities to check details.