Community Groups

Our Hall is hired by several regular community groups, and below is a brief list of who they are and what they provide.  Please contact individual groups directly for more information.

 If you would like to hire the hall please see our Church Hall Hire page for contact details.

6 pm to 9 pm  –  2nd Haverhill Brownie and Guide Pack Meet in the Hall
(term time only)

10 am to 1 p.m. – Community Hub Meets in the Hall, contact Church for details. 

10 am to 12 Midday –  Haverhill Breast Feeding Friends Group Meet in the Hall

6pm to 7.30 pm –  4th Haverhill Brownie Pack Meets in the Hall 

7.45 to 8.45pm  –  Yoga Class, Meeting Weekly in the Hall

10.00 to 12 Midday – Craft Club Meets in the Hall, contact Church for details.

7.30pm  – Suffolk Family History Society Meets Monthly (on 2nd Thursday)
You can access their website via our Links Page.

10am – 11am – Chair Yoga for Strengthening all welcome. 

1st Haverhill Girls Brigade.   6.30 to 7.45pm  ages 5-11 years, 7.45 to 9 pm, 11 years +
Please see our Girls Brigade Page for contact details.

Recycle 4 Charity  

We are again placing a Recycle 4 Charity Box in the Church Hall.  Please check  your ink cartridges are on the ‘Wanted List’ prior to placing them in the box.  A list of  for wanted cartridges can be found by scanning the QR Code on the collection box or  clicking this link  Recyle4Charity/Wanted List.