Regular Activities

Community Hub – Tuesday 10 am to 1 p.m., Church Hall.    Our Church Hall is open for refreshments, socialising and fellowship every Tuesday and a warm welcome awaits. 

Craft Club  –  Thursday 10 am to Midday, Church Hall   An opportunity to enjoy a hobby with a cuppa and chat.  Knitting, Crocheting and generally making things.  We always welcome new members.  

Girls’ Brigade – Meets every Friday (Term Time).  Following a range of themes and providing activities weekly for ages ranging from 5 years upwards.  GB currently have space for new membersPlease click the Girls Brigade link for our leaders contact details. 

Messy Church  – Meets in School Holidays (not Summer at present).   Dates  are advertised as arranged.   Fun activities around a biblical theme.  Please click ‘Messy Church’ Link for more details.

Illuminate Youth ClubRan by Youth For Christ at Haverhill Methodist Church Hall  – Sundays (Term Time) 6.30-8.00pm.  This Group for young people over 11 years. 

Junior Church –  If you would like to attend our fellowship and have young children and would like to know what we can offer them and your family please do contact us.

Everyone is welcome to any of the above regular groups

Please check out our News and Events  Page for other diaried Church events or our Community Page for other groups which hire our hall and meet regularly.